
Apex Legends Team

About Our Team

The CeSA Apex Legends squad is a competitive Apex team that represents Concordia in leagues and competitions. We tend to play in collegiate leagues and other competitions and are always looking for players.

Competition Schedule

  • TBD:
    • TBD -> (insert dates)
    • TBD -> (insert dates)
    • TBD -> (insert dates)
  • Open tournaments: Participation depends on team availability.


Who are we looking for?

  • Concordia students with any level of experience in Apex and is interested in competitive play in leagues or in tournaments.
  • Available on default play days for competition(s) and 2-3 days during the week for practice and scrims
  • Main roster: 3-5 nights/week availability.
  • Substitutes: Flexible scheduling with less time commitment.